What is a knowledge bank and what kind of knowledge do we put in there?

Maybe it is not at first hand knowledge about how to create the perfect elevator pitch or how you write an email to promoters. At least that kind of knowledge should be secondary. Instead we think it is knowledge about how the life of artists feels, smells, tastes and where dreams manifest, knowledge about interpersonal relations and building a vital team that can support you a long the way. We think it is a toolbox of methods about how to create change and how to be resilient in times of crisis.

This knowledge should be self lived and shared by peers. Knowledge that can help enabling artists to imagine a career trajectory based upon, not at first hand playlists on Spotify or market analytics, but based upon an holistic pallet of thought material of how an artist can redesign their careers throughout their life.

BUT! Until we figure out and collect what that is all about we have some “Hot dogs” know how about the music industry delivered bu BAID people for you!