Fika with an artist

A transparent, inclusive, affordable and environmental friendly network tool for independent artists and managers - For hybrid meetings at Music business congresses.

In 2022 at Womex in Lisbon, Musikcentrum Syd/Baltic Artists in development chose to create a completely new concept in our stand - "Fika with artists". We wanted to remove ourselves from the role of "gatekeepers" and instead let our musicians meet international bookers and potential collaboration partners directly via a digital "coffee". It also became a way to create genuine informal meetings, digitally. This by using existing affordable technique in a context where it has never been used before. It is pragmatic and the leverage is substantial. At APAP in New york we facilitated over 50 meetings with the North american music business for our members.



  • Affordable access for the artists

  • Empowering the artist by removing gatekeepers

  • Created a new role as meeting facilitator

  • Enabling artists to grow their own network from scratch

  • Time saving

  • Good for the environment

  • Transparent networking

  • Scalable

For the talks, we offered brewed coffee and home-baked raspberry caves. We received a lot of appreciation for our concept, and managed to create some "buzz" at the fair. Portuguese radio came by and broadcast live with one of the artists on digital link.

After the success, we have continue to use the concept on various occasions such as Sweden Live, APAP in New York, our own events plus Scania Sounds showcase. This is still a prototype but we have tested it in real settings on and it has worked very well.

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Proposal for "Fika with an Artist" Initiative by Musikcentrum Syd - Baltic Artists in development



In an industry where traditional gatekeepers often control access to networks and opportunities, Musikcentrum Syd has pioneered a unique approach to support artists. Our "Fika with an Artist" concept has become a significant door opener for both our members and our organization. This initiative, developed in collaboration with our members and extensive network, aims to create a more sustainable and transparent music industry. By facilitating direct interactions between artists and the international music industry, we provide a platform that empowers artists to build their networks without the usual barriers.


Our vision is to democratize the music industry by providing artists with direct access to industry professionals and international networks. We aim to foster a transparent and inclusive environment where artists can thrive, build meaningful connections, and participate in international fairs without the prohibitive costs and traditional gatekeeping.

Key Objectives

1. **Facilitate Artist-Network Interactions:**

   - Provide artists with opportunities to engage directly with industry professionals through structured and informal meetings.

   - Enable artists to participate in international music fairs without the need for physical presence, leveraging our network and resources.

2. **Promote Transparency and Inclusivity:**

   - Ensure a transparent process where artists have insight into networking opportunities and meetings.

   - Create an inclusive platform that supports artists at all stages of their careers, regardless of their existing network.

3. **Develop Sustainable Industry Practices:**

   - Collaborate with members and industry professionals to develop concepts that contribute to a more sustainable music industry.

   - Facilitate knowledge exchange and best practices among artists, industry professionals, and other stakeholders.

Implementation Plan

1. **Initial Setup:**

   - Establish a dedicated team within Musikcentrum Syd to coordinate the "Fika with an Artist" initiative.

   - Develop partnerships with international music fairs and industry events to secure access and opportunities for our members.

2. **Member Engagement:**

   - Recruit and onboard artists interested in participating in the initiative.

   - Provide training and resources to prepare artists for networking and industry engagement.

3. **Facilitated Meetings:**

   - Organize both random and planned meetings between artists and industry professionals at international fairs.

   - Ensure meetings are informal and focused on mutual interest and potential collaboration.

4. **Virtual Participation:**

   - Develop a virtual platform where artists can participate in international fairs remotely.

   - Facilitate online meetings and interactions through video calls and digital networking tools.

5. **Continuous Support and Feedback:**

   - Provide ongoing support to artists, including follow-up meetings and mentorship opportunities.

   - Collect feedback from participants to continuously improve the initiative and address any challenges.

Revenue Sharing and Reinvestment Strategies

1. **Equitable Distribution:**

   - Implement a transparent revenue-sharing model to ensure artists receive fair compensation for their participation and contributions.

   - Regularly review and adjust the model to reflect the evolving needs and contributions of our members.

2. **Profit Sharing:**

   - Distribute a portion of the profits generated from the initiative among participating artists based on their involvement and contribution.

   - Engage members in the decision-making process regarding profit distribution and reinvestment.

3. **Reinvestment Strategies:**

   - **Community Projects:** Reinvest profits into community projects, educational programs, and artist development initiatives.

   - **Infrastructure Upgrades:** Allocate funds for upgrading our virtual platform, expanding facilities, and improving operational efficiency.

   - **Artist Support:** Provide financial support for artists' projects, including recording, touring, and promotional activities.


The "Fika with an Artist" initiative represents a transformative approach to supporting independent artists and fostering a more transparent and sustainable music industry. By facilitating direct interactions between artists and industry professionals, we empower artists to build their networks, gain valuable insights, and advance their careers. By using existing affordable technique the concept is several scalable points and the leverage is substantial. Join us in this exciting venture to reshape the future of the music industry and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all artists.

Further points

Benefits of the "Fika with an Artist" Initiative

1. **Affordable Access for the Artists:**

   - **Explanation:** By eliminating the high costs associated with attending international fairs in person, the initiative ensures that artists can participate in valuable networking opportunities without a significant financial burden. This makes international exposure and industry connections accessible to a wider range of artists.

2. **Empowering the Artist by Removing Gatekeepers:**

   - **Explanation:** The initiative bypasses traditional industry gatekeepers such as bookers, agents, and managers, giving artists direct control over their networking and career development. This empowerment allows artists to build their careers on their own terms.

3. **Created a New Role as Meeting Facilitator:**

   - **Explanation:** Musikcentrum Syd introduces the role of meeting facilitator to actively connect artists with industry professionals. This new role ensures that meetings are productive and that both parties benefit from the interaction, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the networking process.

4. **Enabling Artists to Grow Their Own Network from Scratch:**

   - **Explanation:** The initiative provides artists with the tools and opportunities to build their networks from the ground up. By facilitating both random and planned meetings, artists can establish meaningful industry connections even if they are starting with no prior contacts.

5. **Good for the Environment:**

   - **Explanation:** By reducing the need for international travel, the initiative minimizes the environmental impact associated with attending global industry events. This supports a more sustainable approach to networking and industry engagement.

6. **Transparent Networking:**

   - **Explanation:** The process is designed to be fully transparent, giving artists clear insights into how meetings are arranged and conducted. This transparency builds trust and ensures that artists understand and are actively involved in the process.

7. **Scalable:**

   - **Explanation:** The initiative is designed to be scalable, allowing it to grow and adapt to include more artists and expand into additional markets and industry events. This scalability ensures that the program can continuously evolve to meet the needs of a larger community of artists.

By focusing on these benefits, the "Fika with an Artist" initiative by Musikcentrum Syd offers a unique and valuable platform that supports artists in building their careers, fostering a more inclusive, transparent, and sustainable music industry.

More info

Affordable, Accessible, and Environmentally Friendly Business Tool for Independent Music Entrepreneurs


   - By reducing the costs associated with attending international music fairs and events, we ensure that independent artists can engage with industry professionals and build their networks without financial strain. This affordability makes it possible for artists at all stages of their careers to access valuable opportunities that were previously out of reach.


   - Our initiative provides independent music entrepreneurs with direct access to industry professionals and international networks. By leveraging virtual participation and facilitated meetings, artists can connect with equal players or key players in the music industry regardless of their geographical location or existing network. This accessibility democratizes the music industry, making it more inclusive and supportive of diverse talent.

**Environmentally Friendly:**

   - By minimizing the need for international travel, our initiative significantly reduces the environmental impact associated with traditional networking events. This eco-friendly approach supports sustainability in the music industry while still providing artists with the essential connections and opportunities they need to succeed.

Through this innovative and sustainable business tool, Musikcentrum Syd empowers independent music entrepreneurs to build their careers, expand their networks, and participate in the global music industry in a way that is both affordable and environmentally responsible.




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