Astrid Selling - Interaction designer
Astrid Selling is one of the original initiators and current project lead at the Baltic Artists in Development project. The CEO of the Swedish NGO Musikcentrum Syd has a background in IT as an interaction designer and in archaeology. She also composes for the theater stage and is a Co-creator in several cultural projects around the Baltic sea.
Henrik Johansson
I work with teams and leaders with the purpose of catalysing radical new ideas and fundamentally scale-up their innovation capacity. I design and lead processes for Organisational Transformation, Sustainability Strategies, Design Thinking, Strategic Learning to Corporate Mindfulness.
Jocelyn Ibarra - The Time Travel Agency
Joss is the founder, showrunner, and design lead of The Time Travel Agency.
Magda Cholyst
Magda Cholyst is the Founder of Artist in Bloom – a creative agency dedicated to developing the competencies of artists and professionals through ambitious and innovative, future-oriented education.
Yénika Castillo Muñoz
MSc Interaction Design, Malmö University. As a researcher, facilitator, designer, and producer, she is interested in politics of cocreation, interdisciplinarity, interculturality and how they intersect design and creation within planetary boundaries.